
Family Hui is raising funds so that we can continue our mission of empowering parents & caregivers through peer support groups and parenting education. Our current funding priorities include:
  • Scholarship to cover one family’s hui experience ($500)
  • Leadership training opportunities for peer facilitators
  • Supplies and materials for hui
  • Administrative support and overhead as our program grows rapidly (tripling the number of hui in the past 18 months!)
  • Curriculum translation into Swahili for our Eastern Africa programs and Farsi for Afghan refugees in the Sacramento area

“Parental warmth, sensitivity, responsiveness, and emotional availability toward children are positively related to school readiness and the development of secure relationships, improved short-term memory, language skills, and long term academic performance in children.” – Early Education and Development, Volume 21, Issue 1 2010

Please support us and help build stronger families, stronger communities, and a healthier, more peaceful world.

Or mail a donation to:

Family Hui
P.O. Box 4038
Davis, Calfiornia, USA 95617

You can make other arrangements to support this essential work by contacting us on our Contact page and we will promptly follow up with you.  One-time and ongoing gifts are greatly appreciated.
Family Hui is a program of Lead4Tomorrow, an international, public benefit 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization located in the United States.
All donations are tax deductible consistent with IRS regulations. We send each donor an acknowledgement letter for tax purposes and to express our sincere appreciation.
Thank you for the support!